
Are you looking for an interesting and dynamic job in a respected company with a strong market position?

Staňte sa súčasťou tímu Svoboda & Williams. Nečakajte bezfarebné pracovné pôsobisko, ale inšpiratívne prostredie, ktoré vám umožní rásť kariérne aj osobnostne. Spoločnosť Svoboda & Williams vznikla z priateľských väzieb a fairplay prístup je stále naším základným stavebným kameňom.

About Us

Realitná spoločnosť Svoboda & Williams dlhodobo patrí medzi rešpektované mená na realitnom trhu a udáva smer v segmente prémiových rezidenčných nehnuteľností. V Českej republike pôsobíme už dlhšie ako dve dekády, v roku 2019 sme rozšírili pole pôsobnosti na Slovensko. Od roku 2017 sme exkluzívnym partnerom globálnej realitnej siete Christie’s International Real Estate.

V súčasnosti náš tím zahŕňa vyše 100 realitných profesionálov pôsobiacich na pobočkách v Bratislave, Prahe a Brne. Naši makléri spájajú svoje mnohoročné skúsenosti so zázemím sofistikovanej značky, vďaka čomu sa radia medzi špičku na trhu. Za naším úspechom stojí tiež ostrieľaný marketingový tím, ktorý vytvára progresívnu marketingovú stratégiu a inšpiratívny obsah. Aj vďaka tomu sa Svoboda & Williams stala synonymom pre prémiové nehnuteľnosti nie len v Česku, ale i na Slovensku.

The People Behind Svoboda & Williams Slovakia

Why join Svoboda & Williams?

  • We pride ourselves on stability

    Many of our colleagues have been with us for longer than five years, and some even for over a decade. We strive to create a work environment that is pleasant and easy to get used to.
  • We play sports together

    Many of us are sports enthusiasts, and so we participate in marathons, volleyball or football matches, and go biking and skiing together.
  • We support personal growth and education

    We like to hire young people who make up for their lack of experience with their enthusiasm. If a colleague wants to improve their skills in a particular area of work, we are happy to support them.
  • We're flexible

    Combining working from home with working at the office is no problem for us. You can also work in one branch one day and the next in another as it suits you.
  • We understand people's needs

    We know that life isn't linear, but full of fluctuations and new challenges. We approach any situation with empathy and understanding. We want to keep capable on board with us, not drive them away by corporate dogma.
  • We celebrate Christmas in style

    Every year when time permits we organize a Christmas party, and ours are legendary. We see them as a reward for a hard-working year and so don't take them lightly.

6 branches in 3 cities and 2 countries

  • Prague

    In Prague, you will find us on Na Zátorce Street, but we also have offices on Na Příkopě Street, or in Holešovice.
  • Brno

    Our Brno branch is located in the center of Brno on Kapucínské náměstí square directly opposite the Church of the Finding of the Holy Cross.
  • Bratislava

    The Slovak branch is located in the prestigious UNIQ administrative building in the center of Bratislava.

Real Estate Isn’t Our Only Reality

At Svoboda & Williams, it’s not just about real estate. We like to think outside of the box and broaden our interests. Ideas don’t end after an eight-hour work day.

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