The list of Svoboda & Williams external personal data processors
The list of Svoboda & Williams external personal data processors
& Williams
External supplier of IT services (company, company identification number, address) - s.r.o., 27869032, Fibichova 13/2, 130 00 Praha 3
External supplier of IT services (company, company identification number, address) - vivalogic s.r.o., 27606911, Bachmačské náměstí 310, 160 00 Praha 6
External supplier of IT services (company, company identification number, address) - ABUCO ICT s.r.o., 29153905, Třebohostická 987/5, 100 00 Praha 10
External supplier of accounting services (company, company identification number, address) - Milky Highway, spol. s r.o., 26476240, Milady Horákové 600/38, 170 00 Praha 7
External supplier of accounting services (company, company identification number, address) - MARAKO s.r.o., 61249408, Táboritská 1128/17, 130 00 Praha 3
External supplier of payroll accounting services (company, company identification number, address) - Petr Louša, 67786103, Janovského 439/23, 170 00 Praha 7
External supplier of HR services (company, company identification number, address) - Jiří Beran, 45865744, Sluneční 1256, 252 10 Mníšek pod Brdy
External authorized representative (company, company identification number, address) - Štěpán Kafka, 11248513, Oravská 1896/4, 100 00 Praha 10
External supplier of mailing services (company, company identification number, address) - The Rocket Science Group, LLC
External supplier of external storage and mailing services (company, company identification number, address) - Google LLC
External supplier of external storage (company, company identification number, address) - Dropbox International Unlimited Company
External supplier of hosting services (company, company identification number, address) - ONEsolution s.r.o., 27710335, Cejl 82/58, Zábrdovice, 602 00 Brno